
Newest Medical Health Care Tips


What Advantages Do Massages Offer?

Tulsa Massage is the therapeutic manipulation of soft tissue, and it can involve the hands, arms, elbows, legs, and feet. Some massage styles focus on specific body areas, such as the back or neck.


Unwinding after a long day of work or school is vital to your mental and physical health. Here are some of the best ways to relax:

Stress is a natural body reaction to physical or emotional strain that increases the heart rate and causes blood vessels to tighten. Massage reduces this tension and releases the feel good hormones endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine to improve your mood. These neurotransmitters offer benefits such as reducing anxiety and depression, boosting motivation and self-worth. When these hormones are low the body is more likely to experience stress and anxiety.

When muscles are tense it restricts movement which can lead to increased pain. A massage will relax the muscles which decreases pain and relieves stress. The touch of a massage also interferes with pain signals and causes the body to release natural pain killers which helps decrease stress.

Studies have shown that massages increase the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters in the body which in turn promote relaxation. The level of cortisol, a stress hormone, is decreased as well which can aid in the recovery of injury and return to exercise.

During massage the blood vessels widen allowing more blood to flow around the body. This improved circulation allows more nutrients to be transferred to the muscles. This reduces inflammation and speeds up healing time. It also has the added benefit of decreasing tension in the muscles and reducing the build up of muscle fatigue.

Massage can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), which is responsible for lowering heart rate and easing breathing. The PSNS also helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by lowering cortisol and other hormones that contribute to these conditions.

Studies have also found that the PSNS is activated by just the act of touch, whether it’s a handshake, a hug or a deep tissue massage. The touch of massage also has the added advantage of triggering the release of feel good hormones, which can make you even more relaxed. This can lead to a positive feedback loop that keeps the levels of stress, anxiety and depression down as well as improving sleep quality. Keeping stress levels down helps prevent the body from developing chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

Increases Circulation

One of the most well-known benefits of massage is its ability to improve circulation. This is because increased blood flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissue, helping them heal. In fact, studies have shown that massage decreases heart rate and blood pressure while increasing skin temperature and muscle blood volume.

However, these studies have only been conducted on healthy university-aged men and recreationally active young adults. They do not apply to those with underlying medical pathology and, therefore, more research is needed.

While there are some who believe that massaging the surface of the body can increase blood flow to the muscles, most massage techniques don’t directly affect the circulatory system, such as the venous or lymphatic systems. Venous and lymphatic flow is not regulated by nervous control from the heart and instead relies on the “muscular pump” in which muscle contractions compress venous/lymphatic vessels and force them to mechanically flow back toward the heart. However, it’s possible that massage may indirectly cause an increase in venous/lymphatic flow by stimulating muscular relaxation, decreasing fascia tightness and improving joint mobility and muscle flexibility.

During massage, the surface of the skin becomes hot due to friction between the skin and massage tools. This is thought to lead to an immediate rise in the local area of blood flow around muscles, known as vasodilation. This increase in blood flow helps to warm up the muscles which increases their elasticity and decreases restrictions. In addition, an improvement in the lymphatic circulation aids in draining excess fluid and metabolic waste, which can contribute towards swelling and the inhibition of healing, into the lymph flow where it is pushed to glands for elimination from the body.

When the legs are massaged, an improved circulation also helps to prevent the buildup of fatty deposits which can be a common condition in patients with varicose veins. Massage of the leg muscles, such as in deep tissue and remedial massage, is very beneficial as it promotes a reduction in swelling through the release of toxins and the promotion of the formation of new blood capillaries to increase the capacity for carrying metabolic waste away from the extremities.

Relieves Anxiety

Many people who suffer from anxiety disorders report feelings of fear and nervousness on a daily basis. These feelings can range from mild to debilitating and prevent people from socializing, seeking work advancements or trying new experiences. Anxiety can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, medication or alternative therapies. Massage therapy is one of the most popular and widely used alternative treatments for anxiety. Studies have shown that it reduces stress, increases relaxation and improves mood. It also has a number of physical benefits that can help manage anxiety-related symptoms such as body pain, sleep disturbances and tinnitus.

It’s no wonder that some researchers are investigating the effectiveness of massage as a treatment for anxiety. It’s been reported that a single massage reduces anxiety by triggering the release of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. Serotonin and dopamine are brain chemicals that promote feelings of well-being and happiness. In addition, massages can ease tension in the muscles which is often a symptom of anxiety disorders.

In a study of 60 people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), those who received regular massages experienced a 50% reduction in HARS scores, which is the main measure of severity of GAD. They also experienced improvements in depression, worry and GAD-related disability.

The reason for these results may be due to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system which acts automatically to calm the body during times of stress. This is also aided by the release of endorphins and dopamine which improve mood. It’s important to note that the type of massage you receive will impact the outcome, so it’s recommended that you see a licensed massage therapist who is trained in identifying specific trigger points and their effects on your body.

Moderate pressure massages can even heighten the immune system by increasing white blood cell activity. These cells fight off deadly diseases and bacteria as they travel throughout the body, so a healthy immune system can greatly improve your emotional health.

Another great way to treat anxiety is through exercise, like yoga. Several studies have shown that regular yoga practice can significantly reduce anxiety levels. This is believed to be a combination of the physical activity and the meditative nature of the practice.

Improves Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things for our health. It helps the body repair itself, recharge and maintain a healthy balance of hormones. It also helps us keep our emotions in check, and it can help improve mental clarity. Unfortunately, many people have trouble getting enough restful sleep because of stress or underlying physical problems. This can lead to a variety of different problems, including weight gain, anxiety, depression and more. But one way to fight insomnia and get a better night’s rest is with massage therapy.

Stress is the leading cause of sleep problems, and it can be difficult to relax when you have a tense or sore muscle. When you try to go to sleep, your mind is always focused on that ache or pain, keeping you awake. Massage can help with this problem by relaxing the muscles, reducing anxiety and stress levels, and helping you fall asleep at night.

During a massage, the person receiving it experiences a chemical reaction that increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates sleep and wake cycles. This is because the vagus nerve, which plays a large role in promoting relaxation and lowering cortisol levels, is stimulated during massage. It’s important to note that it takes time for your body to release these chemicals and experience the effects of massage. That’s why it’s essential to make massage a regular part of your routine.

A study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing found that participants who received a back massage slept at least half an hour longer than those who didn’t receive a back massage. In addition, participants in the study experienced lower heart rates and slowed breathing, all of which contribute to a better night’s sleep.

A good night’s sleep is crucial for your body and emotional well-being, but it can be hard to get when you’re dealing with insomnia or other sleeping issues. Thankfully, there are many different ways to improve your sleep, including regular massages. So what are you waiting for? Set up your next massage appointment and start feeling the benefits!


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