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Dental Services

Why Dental Cleaning Is Important For Your Oral Health

Dental cleanings are a vital part of your oral health. They remove bacteria that lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Routine cleaning also allows your dentist and hygienist to evaluate your oral health for signs of potential problems.  

It’s a similar process to cleaning off a messy desk. You first assess the situation, clear away the clutter and dust, and clean for a better surface. Click to learn more.

dental cleaning

It’s no secret that you can have healthy teeth and gums by brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, avoiding sugary foods, and getting regular dental cleanings. However, sometimes, these practices are insufficient to prevent dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay. If you want to enjoy your beautiful smile for as long as possible, then dental cleanings are a must.

Dental cleanings remove the buildup of plaque – a sticky, whitish film – from all surfaces of your teeth. Plaque can cause gum diseases and lead to tooth decay if not removed promptly. Plaque can also harden into tartar – a harder, calcified deposit on your teeth and gums that cannot be removed by brushing alone. Tartar can also cause gum disease and tooth decay, creating a rough surface that bacteria love to hang on to.

During a dental cleaning, a dentist or hygienist will use a scaler to scrape away the built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth. You may hear some scraping sounds during the procedure, but it shouldn’t be painful. Then, they’ll polish your teeth with a rubber cup and a special toothpaste or pumice to reduce the plaque left on your teeth surface.

Finally, the dentist or hygienist will check for signs of tooth decay. These include a hole, or cavity, in the tooth that can be felt with your tongue. If you have a cavity, the dentist will apply a small filling to the area of the tooth affected by decay. A cavity is caused when decay-causing bacteria eat away at the enamel of your tooth, which can cause it to break down and lose minerals.

By catching cavities early, dental cleanings help prevent serious dental problems, such as root canals and crowns. Moreover, studies have shown that poor oral health can affect general health. For instance, some oral bacteria can enter the lungs and cause pneumonia.

Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. It begins with the buildup of bacteria that forms on the teeth as plaque and hardens into tartar. Eventually, the plaque invades the gum tissue and forms pockets around the roots of the teeth. These pockets allow bacteria to invade the surrounding tissues and bones, causing the bone that supports the teeth to erode. This can lead to the loosening and eventual loss of the affected teeth. Luckily, gum disease can be prevented with dental cleaning.

Brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing every night can remove large amounts of the bacteria that lead to gum disease. In addition, mouthwash can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth. However, visiting your dentist for routine cleanings every six months is important to keep the bacteria levels low.

Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can catch the signs of gum disease early, such as inflammation and bleeding in the gums. This can be reversed with a non-invasive treatment such as scaling and root planing. This procedure involves removing the bacteria from underneath the gum line and between the teeth. Suppose gum disease has progressed to the advanced stage, known as periodontitis. The dentist may use a more invasive procedure, such as flap surgery, to get the bacteria deeper under the gums.

Routine dental visits, good brushing and flossing habits, and a healthy diet are key to preventing gum disease. It would be best to avoid smoking and other unhealthy lifestyle choices, as they can increase the risk of oral health problems.

Most dental insurance plans cover routine preventive care, including cleanings. To make sure that you are getting the most out of your dental coverage, talk to your dental insurance provider before scheduling your next appointment. You can also use your flexible spending or health savings account to pay for preventive services like dental cleanings.

Bad breath is caused by smelly gases produced by the bacteria that coat your teeth, gums, and tongue. It is also often a sign of underlying health issues, such as periodontal disease or tonsil infection. Brushing your chompers correctly and regularly is one of the best ways to prevent and treat bad breath. You should also eat healthy, sip plenty of fluids, avoid spicy foods like garlic and onions, and get regular dental cleanings.

Brushing at least twice daily and flossing each time are the most effective ways to keep your breath fresh. Flossing removes food particles and plaque that rot in your mouth and can also help to prevent gum disease. Rinsing with a mouthwash containing antibacterial agents can kill the bacteria that cause odor and prevent them from adhering to your teeth.

Chewing sugar-free gum can also help to combat halitosis. Gum or mints with sugar can worsen your breath, as they will encourage the growth of odor-producing bacteria. Instead, chew a piece of plain celery or a carrot to help stimulate saliva production and wash away food debris from your teeth and gums.

If you have a chronic case of bad breath, your dentist may prescribe a mouth rinse or toothpaste with an antibacterial agent that will kill bacteria that cause plaque buildup. They may also recommend a special tool to clean between your teeth (interdental brushes or floss) or replace faulty tooth restorations, which can be a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria.

A dry mouth can also contribute to halitosis, so be sure to sip water throughout the day and alongside meals. Chewing sugar-free gum can also help stimulate saliva production and wash away food debris. You can also try using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and food particles that normal brushing may miss. If a persistent case of halitosis persists, your dentist may suggest that you see your primary care physician to determine whether an underlying health issue needs treatment.

Tooth decay and gum disease are two of the most common dental diseases, yet they’re easily preventable. Tooth decay begins when plaque attacks the tooth surface, creating acid that eats away at the hard outer layer of the teeth called enamel. This leaves tiny openings or holes in the enamel, which allows bacteria to reach the inner material of the tooth (dentine) and attack it. The bacteria also irritate the nerve in the tooth’s center, leading to pain and sensitivity.

The most effective way to prevent tooth decay is good oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing once daily. Flossing removes food particles between the teeth and around the gum line, where bacteria grow.

In addition, you should rinse with a mouthwash that contains fluoride. Fluoride helps strengthen the tooth enamel, which can help combat the acids that lead to tooth decay.

Besides maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, you should visit the dentist at least once or twice a year for a professional cleaning and exam. During the exam, the dentist will look for signs of any potential problems, such as gum disease or cavities. The dentist will then use tools to remove any plaque or tartar that is present.

While many people dread dental cleanings because of the prodding, strange noises, and occasional jaw discomfort, the process is quick and painless. Understanding what happens during a dental cleaning is important so you can better prepare yourself for the experience and enjoy the minty-fresh results.

Tooth decay, which is caused by the bacteria in plaque, is often the result of poor eating habits. Sugary foods and drinks, like soda and candy, give the bacteria in your mouth more fuel to produce acids that erode the teeth. These acidic deposits eat through the teeth’ hard, shiny outside layer, called enamel, leaving them vulnerable to bacteria and causing tooth decay.

Tooth decay also can occur because of frequent snacking or sipping throughout the day. Foods and drinks that cling to the teeth for long periods, such as milk, juice, soup, and ice cream, provide a constant stream of fuel for mouth bacteria. This type of decay usually affects the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars) because these teeth have nooks, crannies, and grooves that collect food debris.


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